The average price per cubic meter of plywood decreased by 13%.


Kazakhstan’s plywood exports to European Union drop 29% in Q1 2024

Kazakhstan’s plywood exports to European Union drop 29% in Q1 2024

Bild: Depositphotos

Kazakhstan's plywood exports to the European Union have faced a sharp decline in the first quarter of 2024. According to Lesprom Analytics data, the export volume from January to March 2024 fell by 29% year-on-year, amounting to 26 thousand m3. The value of these exports plummeted by 38%, reaching only $13 million. According to Lesprom Analytics, the average price per cubic meter of plywood decreased by 13% to $526.


Poland remains the primary destination for Kazakhstan's plywood exports, accounting for 69% of total exports in the first quarter of 2024. Germany follows with a 12% share, while Italy and Croatia hold 4.8% and 4.2% shares, respectively.

Monday, the European Commission expanded its anti-dumping measures on birch plywood to include imports from Turkey and Kazakhstan.This decision, formalized in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/1287 issued on May 13, 2024, aims to prevent the circumvention of existing duties on Russian birch plywood, originally set under Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1930 in November 2021.

The original duties on Russian birch plywood ranged between 14.4% and 15.8%, targeting unfairly priced imports. In 2023, Russia's plywood exports to Turkey more than doubled.