


  • Основана в 2004
  • Оптовая торговля
  • от 50 до 100 сотрудников
  • Продукция

    Доска обрезная - Паркетная заготовка - Брусок - Брус - Рейка - Ламель - Столярная доска - Шпалы - Древесные пеллеты - Пиловочник - Поддон деревянный - Европоддон EPAL

Место расположения Литва LT-08222, Вильнюс, P. Lukšio 32

DIVERUS is one of the leading Lithuanian timber import and export companies, founded in 2004, raised with energy, attentiveness, and caring in partnerships with our suppliers and buyers. Offering round and sawn hardwood timber (oak, ash, and beech), as well as substantial quantities of softwood (pine, spruce, and larch) logs and planks, we resourcefully fulfill clients’ needs, ensuring the quality of wood, applying smart logistic solutions and therefore successfully operating in different countries of the world.