Результаты ЛПК России в 2023 г. и состояние мировых рынков древесины в 2024 г.

Исследованиеноябрь 2023Россия139 страницLesprom NetworkНа английском языке
Lesprom Network

The annual review of the Russian forest based industry provided by the Research Department of Lesprom Network. The report contains a detailed analysis of the key sectors, including production, exports and  imports, and prices.

The report also includes:

  • Impact of the international sanctions on the economy and forest based industry of Russia
  • Trends in the global wood markets
  • Changes in state regulation of the forest based industry of Russia
  • Production and exports of unprocessed wood
  • Production and exports of wood products (lumber, chipboard, MDF, fiberboard, OSB, plywood, pellets)
  • Production and exports of pulp and paper products (pulp, paper, cardboard, paper bags)

Over 170 pages of market information

Publication date: April 2024




Внимание: обложка может отличаться от представленной здесь

Trends in the Russian economy
The impact of sanctions on the Russian economy and the timber industry
Trends in global wood product markets and forecasts for 2024
Key changes in state regulation of the forest based industry

Forest resources
Wood harvesting by the largest companies
Dynamics of producer prices
Exports of unprocessed wood

Wood processing industry
Lumber (production, export, manufacturers and capacity expansion)
Fiberboard (production, export, manufacturers and capacity expansions)
MDF (production, export, manufacturers and capacity expansions)
Chipboard (production, export, manufacturers and capacity expansions)
OSB (production, export, manufacturers and capacity expansions)
Plywood (production, export, manufacturers and capacity expansions)
Pellets (production, export, manufacturers and capacity expansions)

Pulp and paper
Pulp (production, export, manufacturers and capacity expansions)
Paper (production, export, manufacturers and capacity expansions)
Newsprint (production, export, manufacturers and capacity expansions)
Cardboard (production, export, manufacturers and capacity expansions)
Containerboard (production, export, manufacturers and capacity expansions)
Paper bags (production, export, manufacturers and capacity expansions)

Внимание: обложка может отличаться от представленной здесь


Внимание: обложка может отличаться от представленной здесь

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